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Book 4 (1st half)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Read this tongue twister 3 times really fast: She sells seashells by the seashore
Have you ever been made to do something by your parents? What?
My parents made me...
"Why are you doing this?" she asked me. She asked me...
why I was doing that.
"Will you be here tomorrow?" he asked me. He asked me..
if I would be there the next day.
"Have you bought the books?" he asked me. He asked me....
if I had bought the books.
"Where did you go last night?" she asked me. She asked me...
where I had gone the night before.
Complete with 3rd cond: If they _______ (not/come), I _______ (be) disappointed
If they hadn’t come, I would have been disappointed
Complete with 3rd cond: If I ________ (have) more time, I _________ (finish) it.
If I had had more time, I would have finished it.
Complete: I saved money so that...
I could buy a new car.
Complete: I study English so that...
I can travel abroad.
"We can't help you with this situation", they told me. They told me that...
they couldn't help me with that situation.
"She has finished the project quickly," he informed us. He informed us that...
she had finished the project quickly.
"I worked very hard last night", he said. He said that...
he had worked very hard the night before.
"I will take you to the beach tomorrow," she told me. She told me that...
she would take me to the beach the next day.
What are the disadvantages of living in Brazil?
The disadvantages of liiving in Brazil are...
What are the advantages of living in Santos?
The advantages of living in Santos are...
"I am waiting for you here," he told me. He told me that...
he was waiting for me there.
"She has some time off today", he said. He said that...
she had some time off that day.
"We are working now," they said. They said that...
they were working then.
"I don't like this blue dress," she said. She said that...
she didn't like that blue dress.
What would you advise me to do if I suspected I had covid-19?
I would advise you to...
What would you advise me to do if I lost my ID?
I would advise you to...
She __________ (finish) the project when she ______ (leave) the office.
She had finished the project when she left the office.
I ______ (read) the book before I _________ (watch) the movie, so I knew the whole story.
I had read the book before I watched the movie, so I knew the whole story.