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What day is Independence Day in the United States? July 4th, June 4th, May 5th, October 12th
July 4th
Who is this famous American astronaut
Neil Armstrong
Who is this famous American Swimmer?
Michael Phelps
Tell me the name of the city, or the name of this basketball team
The Portland Trailblazers
What is the name of this famous American food?
Apple Pie
In the US, a 25 cent coin is called a quarter. A 10 cent coin is called a dime. What is the name for a 1 cent coin?
A Penny
True or False, the United States is bigger than Canada
What is Mount Rushmore?
A famous monument that features the heads of presidents
Where was Obama born? Puerto Rico, Hawaii, California, Alaska
How many stars are on the flag of the United States?
After English, what is the second most spoken language in the United States?
When was the United States created? 1660, 1802, 1776, 1557
Which of these is NOT a state in the United States? Delaware, Wichita, Montana, or Oklahoma
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington
True or False, I love to go fishing
True or False, I love Nintendo video games
Besides football (soccer) and American Football, what is my favorite sport?
What color is my dog?
What is the mascot (symbol) of my University?
The Ducks
In the US, what is the name for the school that is after primary school, and before secondary school (high school)
Middle School
In the US, how many years do students go to primary school for?
6 years
Which of these is NOT a city in California? San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Fe
Santa Fe
Nevada is next to what state?
What is the largest city in Nevada?
Las Vegas
What city am I from?