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Start of the year Level 6 Big Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hugo to Marco: 'You should talk to a solicitor' Rob advised .......
Rob advised her to talk to a solicitor
I would have bought you a gift if I ........................... (know) it was your birthday
had known
If the Japanese hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor, the Americans ................................. (not joined) World War II
wouldn't have joined
Yesterday, Joseph wasn't hungry at lunchtime because: A) he ate a huge breakfast; B) he had eaten a huge breakfast; C) He has eaten a huge breakfast
B) he had eaten a huge breakfast
'Do you know where the nearest bank is?' She asked me....
She asked me if I knew where the nearest bank was
My cousin WOULD / USED TO have a convertible car and USED TO / WOULD always give me lifts.
What's the correct question? I wrote a romantic letter to AN OLD FRIEND. A) Who did you write a romantic letter to? B) To who you wrote a romantic letter?
A) Who did you write a romantic letter to?
Locals have seen the wolf on numerous occasions
The wolf has been seen (by locals) on numerous occasions
Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1601 - convert this sentence into a passive one
Hamlet was written by Shakespear in 1601
'Although' rhymes with a) tough; b) toe c) cough
b) toe
Would you like some/any coffee?
Name three herbs or spices
spices (pepper, ginger, cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric....) herbs (parsley, mint, basil, coriander....)
He agreed...................(clean) up after the party
to clean
I've finished ................. (cook)! Come and eat!
She avoided .............. (tell) me about her plans that evening
My father can't stand A) to listen B) listening to modern music
B) Listening
Kenny is now at home. A) He has been driving 150km today; or B) He has driven 150km today.
B) He has driven 150km today
Why is Vinny covered in paint? A. Because he has painted or B. Because he has been painting
B. Because he has been painting
If I .................. (go) to the gym more often, I'd be in better shape
Samantha would scream if she ................... (see) a spider
If Martha won the lottery, she ..................... (buy) a new car
would buy
she won't know if she likes a new food unless she ..............(try) it.
Unless you go to bed now, you .................(be) sleepy tomorrow
will be
what is the noun form of the adjective 'angry'
What is the verb form of the noun 'choice'?
Italian is .................... to understand than German (comparative 'easy')
Poland is ................from Portugal than France (comparative 'far')
Baby shark is probably ........................... youtube video (superlative of 'bad')
the worst
Real Madrid will play / are playing against Juventus tomorrow at 6pm.
are playing
Michael is going on a weekend a )trip b) travel c) journey to Amsterdam
a) trip
While we were walking our dog we ........ (see) a fox
I have a good relationship with all my work colleagues - I .......... on well with them
get on well
Join these 2 sentences using a relative pronoun. Quentin Tarantino has just released a new film. I adore Quentin Tarantino's films.
Quentin Tarantino, whose films I adore, has just released a new film.
I really admire my parents, but the person I look ......... ....... most is my grandmother.
look up to
Which is correct? A. I've never went to Paris B. I've never been to Paris
B. I've never been to Paris
Dawn was born in Nottingham, but she ............. up in London.
Nathan is very similar to his father. He takes ........... him
You / read / anything / yesterday? Make the past simple question
Did you read anything yesterday?
What has recently happened?
the person has cut their finger / has had an accident
Which is correct? A. Bert is so unhygienic - he's always picking his nose. B. Bert is so unhygienic - he always picks his nose.
A. Bert is so unhygienic - he's always picking his nose.(present continuous for annoying habits)