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Book 4 - Modals Perfect

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You ________ (walk) all the way home. I could have given you a ride!
needn't have walked
It __________ (rain) a lot in the night. The floor is completely wet.
must have rained
John ________ (eat) all the cookies! There are none left.
must have eaten
‘What was that noise?’ ‘I don't know... It ______ (be) an airplane.’
may/might have been
Ann hasn’t arrived yet. She ________ (miss) the bus.
may/might have missed
You _______ (worry) about me! I was just caught in traffic!
needn't have worried
You ________ (practice) a lot before you gave your speech. It was really good.
must have practiced
You _______ (take) this job. I can see you're not enjoying it.
shouldn't have taken
You __________ (buy) food for dinner! There are leftovers in the refrigerator!
needn't have bought
I ___________ (eat) so much chocolate! I feel sick!
shouldn't have eaten
Lucy ___________ (leave) earlier. She missed her flight.
should have left
We ___________ (invite) so many people to our party! I'm worried that we won't have enough room for everyone.
shouldn't have invited