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Book 5 - Gerunds and Infinitives

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The teenager refused ____ (go) on holiday with his parents.
The teenager refused to go on holiday with his parents.
He asked ____(come) with us.
He asked to come with us.
She agreed ____ (bring) the pudding to the dinner.
She agreed to bring the pudding to the dinner.
Can you imagine _______ (live) without the internet?
Can you imagine living without the internet?
You should stop _______ (smoke), it's not good for your health.
You should stop smoking, it's not good for your health.
We stopped ______ (study) because we were tired.
We stopped studying because we were tired.
They will stop _____ (have) lunch at twelve.
They will stop to have lunch at twelve.
I regret ______ (tell) Julie my secret. Now she has told everyone.
I regret telling Julie my secret. Now she has told everyone.
I regret ______ (tell) you the train has been delayed.
I regret to tell you the train has been delayed.
Unfortunately, we can't afford ______ (buy) a new car this year.
Unfortunately, we can't afford to buy a new car this year.
I miss _____ (go) to the beach.
I miss going to the beach.
She suggested _____ (go) to the museum.
She suggested going to the museum.
I am learning ___________ (speak) English.
I am learning to speak English.
She kept ________ (talk) during the film.
She kept talking during the film.
He enjoys ________ (have) a bath in the evening.
He enjoys having a bath in the evening.
I would like ________ (come) to the party with you.
I would like to come to the party with you.