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Georgia Geography Unit 1 Review

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Name this region.
Coastal Plains Region
Name this region.
Valley & Ridge Region
Name this region.
Appalachian Plateau
Name this region.
Blue Ridge Region
Name 3 businesses that were set up along the Fall Line. Explain why they were placed there.
Banks, bars, and hotels. Travelers had to get off river and hike around waterfalls. They would be tired and hungry and needed a place to rest or wait for boat.
Name the modern day cities that surround the Fall Line.
Macon, Columbus, Augusta, Milledgeville
Explain the significance of Georgia's rivers and their impact.
Georgia's rivers provide drinking water, water for crops, and transportation. They have allowed for Georgia's economy to increase thus increasing population.
What were the 3 Sisters? Explain why they were called that.
Corn, beans, and squash. They were the most important crops grown at the time.
What activities took place on top of the mounds?
Social and religious activities.
Mississippian Indian culture was based on...
a society mainly of farmers living in villages and organized into chiefdoms.
Culture is...
pattern of behavior and thinking shared by a group in social groups.
The Mississippian Indians costumes were made of...
Furs, feathers, and hide
These mounds are located in Northwestern Georgia. Name and describe it.
Etowah Mounds. It is made up of 6 mounds, one being over 60 feet tall and 300 feet wide.
This mound sits where is now Macon Georgia. Name and describe it.
Ocmulgee Mound. It is roughly 1 square mile.
Anthony the alligator needs a warm, muddy home that consist of flat land. Where should he stay?
Coastal Plains
Name the region which Brandy the Bear should stay in. She requires cool temperatures in a mountainous setting and access to rivers to catch fish to eat.
Blue Ridge Region
Name this river. Name the states that have sued Georgia over the excessive usage of it.
Chattahoochee River. Florida and Alabama.
Name this river. What two states does it separate?
Savannah River. It separates Georgia and South Carolina.
Name this area and describe its significance.
Barrier Islands. It is a chain of sandy islands off the coastline of Georgia. They protect the mainland from wind, water, and erosion.
This is the largest freshwater swamp in North America. It is home to over ____ species.
Okefenokee Swamp. 600 species.
Name a location where this mill would be located. Explain why.
The Fall Line or Chattahoochee River. Mills were placed by waterfalls because of the water's increased energy due to a drop in elevation.
Name this location and describe its significance.
Fall Line. It is a natural boundary that separates the Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions due to a drop in elevation.
Name this region and describe its physical features.
Coastal Plain. This region takes up majority of Georgia. It is flat . Home of the Okefenokee Swamp and Savannah River flows through it.
Name this region and describe its physical appearance.
Blue Ridge Region. It has the highest elevation in Georgia. It is mountainous and home of Brasstown Bald. The Chattahoochee River forms here.
Name this region and describe its physical features.
Piedmont Region. It is described as having gentle rolling hills. Major regions flows through it toward the Coastal Plains.
Name this north Georgia region and describe its physical features.
Valley & Ridge Region. It is made up of long, parallel ridges separated by wide, fertile valleys. Ridges sometimes can appear ro be mountains.
Name this region and describe its physical features.
Appalachian Plateau. It is the smallest region that is tall and flat.
__________ _____________ is the continent where Georgia can be found.
North America
Name the region Georgia sits in.
South Eastern
Georgia lies in what hemispheres?
Northern Western
What form of government did Mississippian Indians culture use? Explain it.
It was made up of chiefdoms. Chiefdoms were small societies in which the chief makes most of the decisions.
What area is this and where is it located?
Okefenokee Swamp in the Coastal Plain Region
Name this region.
Piedmont Region