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Multi-Part Verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm a little worried about Susan. She wanted to try something new, so she has decided to ______.
take up sumo wrestling
take on shark diving
take volcano diving up
take fire-eating on
I'm looking for departure gate 17a. Can you _________ for me?
point it out
point out it
point at it
point for it
on/ out/ all/ technicians/ tests/ the/ carried/ extensive/ equipment/ off (There is one extra word)
Technicians carried out extensive checks on all the equipment.
Your flight arrives just before midnight, doesn't it? Would you like me to ______ at the airport?
pick you up
pick on you
pick you out
pick at you
Complete the sentence: No matter how hard I try, I just can't figure out _____.
......what to buy Susan for her birthday.
Complete the sentence: When I want to cheer myself up, ....
I do extra grammar practise
I've been reading this instruction manual for hours, but I still can't ________.
figure it out
work it up
solve it out
make it out
Research has shown that most people use food-especially sugar-to _______.
cheer themselves up
calm down themselves
cheer up themself
calm themself down
A study into different ways of learning was *carried out* by the research team.
I *indicated* several mistakes in the methodology.
pointed out
pointed at
pointed to
pointed over
Scientists were finally able to *clarify* the connection between Susan's arrival in Tallinn and the falling cat population in Estonia.
make clear
clear up
clear out
show clear
It took several months for the marketing team to _______ an effective advertising strategy.
arrive at
come up on
arrive with
come up to
The findings ________, for further analysis.
were noted down in detail
were noted in detail down
were down noted in detail
were in detail noted down
They _____ issue with some of the comments Andrei made during the training session.
At the staff meeting, Susan _____ several interesting suggestions, but everyone ignored her.
put forward
put out
put off
put through
After the devastating fire at the factory, fire experts have now _____ a full investigation.
carried out
carried on
carried off
carried along
account/ results/ differences/ the/ took/ economic/ into/ any
The results took into account any economic differences (OR The results took into account any...)
The project _____ to prove that the statistics were inaccurate, but it was unsuccessful.
set out
set off
set forward
set on
Correct it! The students looked the possibility into of developing the project.
The students looked into the possibility of...