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Intro to Physical Science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a colloid?
middle sized particles in a solution that scatter light
what are the two parts of a solution?
solvent and solute
What does heterogeneous mean?
Different mixture or able to easily distinguish parts
What is the boiling point of water in Celsius?
100 degrees celsius
what is filtration
separation by particle size
What is distillation?
separation by boiling points
What is viscosity?
the thickness of a fluid
What is matter?
anything that has mass and takes up space
zero kelvin is also know as ......
absolute zero
what is the SI unit for temperature?
is the color of a rose a physical property or a physical change?
physical property
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass = amount of matter in a system Weight is the amount of pull that gravity has on mass
a rubber band stretched out has what type of potential energy?
what type of energy is food considered?
chemical energy
what is potential energy?
stored energy
what is kinetic energy?
energy in motion
What is the density formula?
D= M/V
What’s the SI unit for density?
grams per cubic cm or kilograms per cubic meter
What is the si unit for mass?
gram, Kilogram
What is the SI unit for length?
What is deposition?
when an object turns from a gas to a solid without turning to liquid.
What is the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit?
212 degrees
What is a fluid?
any substance that has the ability to flow under stress or pressure
what is the name of the compound NaCl?
Sodium Chloride
what does malleable mean?
able to be hammered into a thin sheet
what does ductile mean?
able to be drawn into a wire
how does a exothermic reaction feel?
what class is a chicken part of?
how does endothermic reactions feel?
What is energy?
the ability to cause change