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Finish This Sentence, Version 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My mom really likes....
If we had no electricity, I would..
If I lived in the desert...
If I lived in the jungle...
If the floor really were lava...
One time I fell...
I would be really terrified if....
If I actually lived in the Minecraft game...
If my mom was a queen...
If I were rich...
If I could only watch one movie over and over again, it would be...
If I could only have one toy, ...
One time my Grandma (and/or Grandpa) ....
Before I was born, ...
If I were a mermaid....
If I could give my mom any present, ...
If I had a magic wand...
If people could fly...
If I lived in outer space...
If there is a snow day tomorrow, ...
If I were a giant...
If I had a wiener mobile...
If I were the teacher..
If I lived in a mansion...
If I lived in the white house...
If I packed my own lunch...
If I had a treehouse...
If I could have any animal I wanted as a pet...
My favorite meal...
If kids could drive....
One time when I was playing hide and go seek...
One time when I was at a party...
The best birthday I ever had ...
Some day I would like to win (at)...
One mistake I made in the past was ....
Last Valentine's Day, ...
My favorite part of today so far was...