Edit Game
Steps Plus VII Unit 2 - revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ann: (Where/you/go)? Tim: To the swimming pool.
Ann: Where are you going? Tim: To the swimming pool.
your teacher/always/use a computer in class?
Does your teacher always use a computer in class?
the sun/shine/today?
Is the sun shining today?
Mina: I (not believe) you! Tom: You should, because it's true!
Mina: I don't believe you! Tom: You should, because it's true!
(According to/Surprisingly/Despite) the news, all the people survived the accident.
According to the news, all the people survived the accident.
(According to/Surprisingly/Carefully), I won the game. I was so happy!
Surprisingly, I won the game. I was so happy!
My grandma (jest towarzyskÄ… osobÄ…).
My grandma is a sociable person.
(Pomimo epidemii), they decided to go on holiday.
Despite the epidemic, they decided to go on holiday.
People think I'm a successful person. (Jednakże/Aczkolwiek, nie znają) the whole truth about me.
People think I'm a successful person. However, they don't know the whole truth about me.
It always (pracuje ciężko) and never complains.
It always works hard and never complains.
He looked (na mnie ze złością).
He looked at me angrily.
Ona always (chodzi spać późno).
She always goes to bed late./ She always goes to sleep late.
They're from Barcelona. They speak (biegle po hiszpańsku).
They're from Barcelona. They speak Spanish fluently.
I (nie rozumiem kiedy mówisz) so fast.
I don't understand when you speak so fast.
(Kiedy ona chodzi na) piano lessons?
When does she go to piano lessons?
(Jak często sprzątasz) your room?
How often do you tidy your room?
(Czy potrafisz znaleźć to miejsce) on the map?
Can you find the place on the map?
He ...... (potrafi rozwiązywać) any problem.
He can solve any problem.
What does he do in his spare time?
He draws pictures./ He draws a picture.
What's he doing?
He's doing a crossword.