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Steps Plus VII Unit 3 - revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I believe Italian food ...... (healthy) typical American food.
is healthier than
Maria: 1) ...... (let/ have) some of those cookies. Tony: They look delicious, but it's too much sugar for me. Maria: 2) ...... (why/not) we order a Greek salad instead? Tony: Great idea!
1) Let's have 2. Why don't
It's an edible sea creature with ten arms around its mouth.
These are edible sea animals with a two-piece dark shell.
Foods that are made from milk, such as cheese, yoghurt, cream and butter go to a ...... category.
There ...... (lot) unhealthy fat in fast food.
is a lot of
Cooking at home .... (cheap) eating out. Besides, we like spending time together in our kitchen. It's very relaxing.
is cheaper than
He invited me for dinner in one of ...... (expensive) restaurants in town.
the most expensive
My diet ...... (not as/ healthy) yours. I know I should eat more vegetables and nuts.
is not as healthy as
We have ...... (too/sugar) in our diet. Why don't we cut back on sweets and chocolate?
too much sugar
I'm afraid, we ...... (not have/enough/eggs) for the cheesecake.
don't have enough eggs
...... strawberries in the basket. (some)
There are some
There ...... coffee left in the cup.
isn't any
Tim: I like it when there's a lot of cheese on my pizza. Alice: ...... do I. I would eat cheese every day.
We use this green tropical fruit in salads and to make guacamole.
It's a food which is made from grain and is eaten with milk or yoghurt, especially in the morning.
It's a big sea fish. Its flesh is preserved in a can or eaten as sushi.
It's the green leaves of the vegetables that you eat. Many children do not like it. However, it's one of the healthiest foods.