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Movers. Telling stories

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How is the boy?
The boy is hungry.
The family is having dinner.
Where are Charlie and Jim going?
Charlie and Jim are going to the river. / They are going fishing.
Children can catch a fish.
What is boy with black hair doing?
He is rollerskating.
How is mum?
She is angry.
Where are they?
They are at the beach.
has got
The dog has got a scarf.
What are the parents doing?
Mum is reading and dad is slepping under the tree.
The cat is eating the fish. / The fish is on the table.
It is nine (9) o'clock.
The family is watching TV.
What present does the girl want to get?
She wants (to get) a bike / bicycle.
What present has the girl got?
She has got a doll.
The girl is riding a bike.
Where are the people?
They are at the cinema.
What is the boy doing?
He is sleeping.
What are dad and Peter doing?
They are climbing up the mountain.
Who has got the ice cream?
The nurse has got the ice cream.
They are at the hospital.
What has mum got?
Mum has got some burgers.
What are the children doing?
The children are playing tennis.
They are having a picnic.
Where is the family?
The family is in the park.