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Billy Goats Gruff Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why were all the animals happy?
They had been trapped in the forest but now they were free.
They are scared of the Troll.
What did Biffer do to the Troll?
He pushed him into the river.
He kissed him on the nose.
He pushed him into the mountain.
He hugged him.
Who was last to get to the bridge?
Why did the troll let Bertie past?
Because Bertie said his bigger brother was coming.
Because the troll was kind.
Who was second to get to the bridge?
Why did the Troll let Beanie past?
Because Beanie said his bigger brother was coming.
Because the Troll liked Beanie.
Who was first to get to the bridge?
What was coming after the Goats?
A big rabbit.
A big duck.
A big horse.
A big mouse.
What were they scared of in the forest?
What did they need to bring? (5 things)
Hay, compass, map, water and ball.
Hat, grass, English book, cola and doll.
Were Beanie and Bertie good at climbing?
No, but they learned quickly.
Yes, they were very good.
Where did the troll live?
Under the bridge.
In Leader's Academy.
Above the bridge.
Next to the bridge.
Who are they afraid of?
The Terrible Troll.
Niall Teacher.
The beautiful Troll.
The Billy Goats Gruff.
Where did they want to go?
Over the hill to Juicy Fields
Under the hill to Juicy Fields.
What clothes did Beanie eat?
2 socks and a shirt.
3 shorts and a hat.
2 shirts and a sock.
1 dog and some pants.
Why did they have to leave the farm?
Because there wasn't much food.
Because there wasn't much fun.
Because they wanted to meet the Troll.
Because they were bored.
Describe Biffer. (3 things)
He was big and strong and looked after his brothers.
Describe Bertie. (2 things)
He was the middle brother and crazy about sports.
Describe Beanie. (4 things)
He is small, skinny, hungry and always in trouble.
Who are they?
The Billy Goats Gruff
The Troll brothers.
The Billy Ghosts Gruff.