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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He usually ____________(watch) TV in the evening, but today he ____________ (read) a book.
watches, is reading
They usually _________ (play) basketball on Sunday, but today they ___________ (play) tennis.
play, are playing
I usually __________(drink) tea for breakfast, but today I _____________ (drink) orange juice.
drink, am drinking
Mary usually _____________(drive) her car to work, but today she __________ (ride) her bike.
drives, is riding
________ she ________ (play) volleyball every Sunday? No, ___________________.
Does she play, she doesn't.
_______ you ________ (brush) your teeth every day? Yes, ___________.
Do you brush, I do.
She usually _____________(watch) TV in the evening.
My friends ___________(play) computer games every day.
I ____________(not have) a music lesson on Saturdays.
don't have
Kim ____________(not go) to school at the weekend.
doesn't go
_______ he _________ (play) basketball now? Yes, ___________.
Is he playing, he is.
_____ you _________ (listen) to music now? No, __________________.
Are you listening, I'm not.
I _____________(read) a book now.
am reading
We ___________ (not do) our homework now.
aren't doing
My friends _____________(play) football now.
are playing
My dad ___________ (not watch) TV now.
isn't watching
My mum _______________(cook) now.
is cooking