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Grandmother Fish by Jonathan Tweet

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is this?
Cousin whale.
Who is this?
Cousin lizard.
what can mammal do?
It can cuddle.
What can mammal do?
It can squeak.
What can lizard do?
It can breathe.
What can lizard do?
It can crawl.
Who is this?
Cousin elephant.
What can fish do?
They can chomp.
What can fish do?
They can wiggle.
Who is this?
Cousin chimpanzee
What can apes do?
They can grab.
What can apes do?
They can hoot.
What can humans do?
They can walk.
What can humans do?
They can talk and tell stories.
What are these?
They are humans.
Who is this?
Grandmother Fish.
Who is this?
Grandmother Reptile.
Who is this?
Grandmother Mammal.
Who is this?
Grandmother Ape.
Who is this?
Grandmother Human.