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What's that anime? English/Vietnamese Edition

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Attack on Titan (Tấn Công Người Khổng Lồ)
What anime is this?
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Vua Trò Chơi)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
One Punch Man (Đấm phát chết luôn)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
The Seven Deadly Sins (Thất Hình Đại Tội)
What anime is this?
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu / Re: Life in a different world from zero
What anime is this?
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken / That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (Slime)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Gintama (Linh Hồn Bạc)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Bleach (Sứ Mạng Thần Chết Ichigo)
What anime is this?
Black Clover
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Inu Yasha (Khuyển Dạ Xoa)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Fairy Tail (Hội Pháp Sư)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Cardcaptor Sakura (Thủ Lĩnh Thẻ Bài)
What anime is this?
Fruits Basket / Furuba
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Sailor Moon (Thủy Thủ Mặt Trăng)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Dragon Ball (7 Viên Ngọc Rồng)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Doraemon (Mèo Máy Doraemon)
What anime is this?
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Detective Conan (Thám Tử Lừng Danh Conan)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
One Piece (Vua Hải Tặc)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Kimetsu no Yaiba (Diệt Quỷ Cứu Nhân)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Food Wars (Vua Đầu Bếp)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
Sword Art Online (Đao Kiếm Thần Vực)
What anime is this? (English / Vietnamese Name)
My Hero Academia (Học Viện Anh Hùng)