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Expressions with Get

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Another way to say 'get revenge'
Get your own back on
Name 5 things you can get on or off.
Bicycle, train, horse, boat, bus
The best way to ____ _______ the city is by subway.
get around
I tried to walk past him but he wouldn't get ____ ____ ____ _____
get out of the way
Did you _____ _______ _____ doing your homework? (find time to)
get round to
If you don't want to go to an event, you need to make an excuse to _____ _____ _____ it.
get out of
A phrasal verb meaning to respond to someone by speaking or writing.
get back to
If something annoys you, it really gets ___ _____ _______
on your nerves
Fill in with an appropriate verb in the correct form: Some of our things got ______ when we moved house.
lost / broken
Rephrase using a form of get: Someone stole my wallet last week.
My wallet got stolen last week.
Rewrite using a form of get: I'm getting accustomed to living in a foreign country.
I'm getting used to living in a foreign country.
Rewrite using a form of get: You need to go for an eye test.
You need to get your eyes tested
An idiom meaning that you misunderstood the situation. I got _______________________________
the wrong end of the stick
It took me a long time to _____ ______ Covid. (recover from)
get over
Rainy days really _____ ____ _____ (make me sad)
get me down
You need to _____ _______ _______ ________, Your exam is in 2 weeks and you haven't studied
get your act together
Jane _____ ______ ______everyone in the office. (has a good relationship with)
gets on with
If you tell someone something that has been worrying you, you get something ____ ______ ________
off your chest
If a person is 'getting on', they are ______ ________?
growing older
How much money can you _____ _____ ______ in Limerick? (survive with)
get by on
I'm going to _______ _______ _______ my old clothes (throw away)
get rid of