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Simple Present or Present Continuous?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I ________ (not prefer) brown bread.
I don't prefer brown bread.
My mother _________ (drink) tea in the afternoon.
My mother drinks tea in the afternoon.
Julie _________ (not drink) coffee in the evening.
Julie doesn't drink coffee in the evening.
Mark ___________ (not like) tomatoes.
Mark doesn't like tomatoes.
_____ she _______ (work) at the moment?
Is she working at the moment?
_____ they ________ (sing) a pop song now?
Are they singing a pop song now?
He always _______ (study) at home.
He always studies at home.
Mary usually _________ (eat) bread and butter for breakfast.
Mary usually eats bread and butter for breakfast.
They ________ (go) to a restaurant on Saturday evenings.
They go to a restaurant on Saturday evenings.
He __________ (not/play) golf now.
He isn't playing golf now.
He _______ (play) tennis now.
He is playing tennis now.
_____ she often _______ (come) to London?
Does she often come to London?
I ________ (work) at the moment.
I am working at the moment.
____ he _______ (eat) rice in the evening?
Does he eat rice in the evening?