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Could for Suggestions, Should for Advice- ESOL L ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I need to pick a song for my wedding.
You could/should...
I want to try some restaurants near here.
You could...
I want to go somewhere fun. You...
You could go to...
I want to learn English. You...
You should take an ESOL class.
I'm cold. You...
You should get a blanket.
I'm not busy. We ______.
We could play video games.
Mom, I'm bored _______.
You could paint. 
We're lost.  _________.
You should ask for help.
Sam's birthday tomorrow. You _______.
You could/should bake a cake.
I'm thirsty. You...
You should get a drink. You could drink some tea.
Grandpa is tired. He...
He should take a nap.
The dishes are dirty. You...
You should wash them.
It's a beautiful day! We...
We could go for a walk.
I want to watch a movie. You...
You could watch a comedy. You should watch...
Kira is a terrible singer. She...
She should take singing lessons.
It's raining. You...
You should shut the window.
I'm hot. You...
You should take off your sweater.
I'm hungry. You...
You could eat a burger. You should eat something.
My son wants to play a sport. He...
He could play soccer.