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What can Pete the Cat Do?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sea animals can you see?
I can see three crabs and a starfish.
What is the weather like in summer?
The weather is hot in summer.
Where is the family going?
They are going on a holiday.
In summer this family likes to .....
go hiking/ hike.
What is Olaf drinking?
He is drinking iced tea.
What is she eating?
She is eating ice-cream.
This family likes to .......
go camping.
What can the children do?
They can ride a bike, skateboard and rollerblade.
How many children are at the beach?
There a six children at the beach.
They are playing with a .....
beach ball
What is Cookie Monster wearing?
He is wearing swimming trunks.
What does Winnie the Pooh and Friends like to do?
They like to have a picnic.
What does Donald Duck like to eat?
He likes to eat watermelon and ice-cream.
Where are the My Little Ponies?
They are at the beach.
Minnie Mouse is wearing light orange...
What can Pete the Cat do?
He can surf.
What does Tweety need for summer?
Tweety needs sunscreen.