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Pre-FCE total review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is CORRECT? The kids need to go to the toilet now UNLESS / OTHERWISE they'll complain throughout the entire journey
Which is CORRECT? EVEN IF / PROVIDED THAT you gave me a million dollars, I still wouldn't date you
Phrasal verbs: Jamie has quite a bland diet, because he isn't very ................ on spicy food.
If God had wanted Man to fly, He ............................ (give) us wings.
would have given
Mr Carmichael ........................... (have) a more pleasant experience if he had stayed in a nicer hotel.
would have had
Penelope wouldn't have felt so guilty if she ...................................(tell) her parents the truth
had told
I took a short travel/trip to Madrid last weekend
Karen kept forgetting paying / to pay the electricity bill until they eventually cut her off
to pay
What's the antonym of 'agreeable'?
What's the antonym of 'comfortable'?
Convert to reported speech: Dave to Carmen: 'What are you going to do after you finish high school?' Dave asked ......................................................................
Dave asked Carmen what she was going to do after she finished high school
Which of these is WRONG? Hazel has a crooked, hooked nose, but she's very attractive nonetheless / instead
How would you say this in direct speech? Phoebe told me that her mother wouldn´t let her out the following day Phoebe: '..................................................................'
Phoebe: 'My mother won't let me out tomorrow'
Phrasal verbs: It took Amy a long time to get around/over her dog's death
get over
What's the noun form of the adjective 'long'?
Causative: Why did Ray go to the opticians? Because he needed to .............(eyes/check)
Because he needed to get/have his eyes checked
What's the noun form of the verb 'choose'?
Convert to reported speech: 'Where has she been?" Could you tell........
Could you tell me where she has been?
While/However I don't like most rap, I really like Kendrick Lamar
Convert active to passive sentence: Jim Henson created the Muppets in 1955
The muppets were created by Jim Henson in 1955
Convert active to passive sentence: This shop has sold shoes for over a decade
Shoes have been sold in this shop for over a decade
Tom (future perfect finish) his Masters degree by next Autumn
will have finished
I'll go to the wedding supposing/provided that I don't have to wear a suit
provided that
Despite/whereas both his parents have brown eyes, Bobby has blue ones
Jane didn't reserve a ticket, furthermore/therefore she doesn't have a seat
Don't stop to believe/believing, hold on to that feeling
stop believing
I wouldn't jump out of a plane unless you give/gave/had given me a million dollars
Infinitive/Gerund: Mrs Rogers loves her house and can't imagine ..............anywhere else. to live / living
imagine living
Causative: Why did Stacey call the builders? (roof/repair)
To get/have her roof repaired
Causative: Why did Brian go to the doctor? (blood pressure/measure)
to get/have his blood pressure measured
Phrasal verbs: Do you .................. .................... ............. your work colleagues?Yes, we have a really friendly relationship
get on with
Phrasal verbs: Alice was ....................................... up by her grandparents, as her parents worked abroad
brought up
Phrasal verbs: Joel looks a lot like his mother, but in temperament he takes...................... his dad
takes after
I began my first job as a fast-food mascot when I was 17 years old, and I must/had to dress up as a chicken
I began my first job as a fast-food mascot when I was 17 years old, and I had to dress up as a chicken
Correct the mistake: Michael already has seen that film
Michael has already seen that film
I was wondering did she speak / if she spoke to her doctor about her headaches
I was wondering if she spoke to her doctor about her headaches
Fruit bought from the supermarket is not nearly as/far good as fruit from the market.
Fruit bought from the supermarket is not nearly as good as fruit from the market.
Carole and Mark had known/knew each other for years before they started dating
Carole and Mark had known each other for years before they started dating
Although this coat is easily/slightly more expensive than that one, it's far better quality
Although this coat is slightly more expensive than that one, it's far better quality
Correct the mistake: Where you go for your last holiday?
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Combine the sentences using the correct relative pronoun:The letter arrived this morning. My brother sent it.
The letter that/which my brother sent me arrived me this morning.
He sold the land ...... belonged to his brother
Correct the mistake: We used to wear second-hand clothes because our parents couldn't afford buying us new ones.
We used to wear second-hand clothes because our parents couldn't afford to buy us new ones.
Correct the mistake: The house, that is featured in this magazine, actually belongs to a friend of mine
The house, which is featured in this magazine, actually belongs to a friend of mine
Correct the mistake: Jessica had been modeling since three years before she became truly famous.
Jessica had been modeling for three years before she became truly famous.
Correct the mistake: The taxi driver asked me where was I going
The taxi driver asked me where I was going
Correct the mistake: I wouldn't have been so hungry if I didn't forget to eat breakfast
I wouldn't have been so hungry if I hadn't forgotten to eat breakfast
Correct the mistake: My grandma would have an old stone oven where she baked bread every day.
My grandma used to have an old stone oven where she baked bread every day.
Correct the mistake: By the time the guests had finally turned up, the soup went cold
By the time the guests finally turned up, the soup had gone cold
Look at Joe all sweaty in lycra! He must ..................... have been running OR have run
must have been running.