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House and Transport Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
This is a parking space
What is this?
This is a garden or yard.
True or False. The air conditioner is for cooling the food.
Do you know what the fridge is for?
Yes, it's for keeping food cold.
Where is the bear?
The bear is between the baskets.
Do you know what an _________________ is for?
Yes, it's for cooling a room.
Do you know what a ________ is for?
Yes, it's for washing dirty clothes.
Where is the doorbell in a house?
The doorbell is at the entrance.
What vehicle transports passengers.
Helicopter, Subway and Bullet train
Have you ever seen a skateboard lift things?
No Way! A skateboard gets us places.
Fill in the blanks. Which is faster ______________ or ____________?
Ambulance or Subway
Fill in the blanks. Which is faster ______________ or ____________?
Helicopter or bullet train
What is this and which room do you do this?
This is take off you shoes. You take off your shoes at the entrance.
Where is the microwave?
The microwave is behind the fridge/ above the counter (kettle)/ next to the stove.
Where is the bear.
The bear is behind the basket.
True or False. We can find a computer and freezer in the entrance.
What is this?
This is a house.
What is this?
This is a smoke detector
What do you do in a dining room?
I eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Maybe sometimes snack.
Have you ever seen a ambulance lift things?
No way! An ambulance transport sick and hurt people.
Where do you relax?
I relax in my________ (bedroom/ living room/ play room/ yard/ garden/ bathroom)
Please describe your home.
There are ____ rooms: ____ bathroom (s), a living room ( or no living room), a kitchen, ____ bedroom (s) etc...
What is this?
This is an entrance.
True or False, The stove is in the bathroom.
What is this?
This is a stove.
Where is the brown bear?
The bear is in front of the basket
What room is this?
Living room.
What vehicle is this and what does it do?
Garbage truck. Its collects garbage.