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English Class A1+, unit 8, to be going to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We....................(buy) him a present.
are going to
Is your Maths teacher going to give you a test next lesson?
Yes, she/he is//No, she/he isn't
Nadia and I ....................come to your house on Sunday.
are going to
The children....................visit their grandparents.
are going to
....................(your uncle/buy) a present for Amy?
Is your uncle going to
....................(your aunt/make) some biscuits tomorrow?
Is your aunt going to
........................(Amy's mum/cook) dinner?
Is Amy's mum going to
.........................(Grandma and Grandpa/watch) a film?
Are Grandma and Grandpa going to
.......................(Dad/play basketball) next week?
Is Dad going to
Is it going to rain today?
Yes, it is./No, it isn't.
Is your mum going to go to work tomorrow?
Yes, she is./No, she isn't.
Are you going to do your homework on Saturday?
Yes, I am./ No, I'm not.
Jaśmina....................(not do) anything.
isn't going to do
You....................(not say) a word to her.
aren't going to say
I....................(not buy) a present.
'm not going to
My friends....................(make) a cake.
are going to
My friend....................(download) some music.
is going to
He....................(travel) by train.
is going to
We.....................(have a party) on Saturady.
are going to