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End of Year Trivia

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Does sound travel faster in the air or in water?
In water
What is the name of an arcade game in which a ball rolls and is propelled inside a machine, hitting various lights, bumpers, ramps, and other targets depending on its design?
Name 3 neutral colors.
Neutral colors include black, white, gray, tans, and browns.
"I’ve been waiting a billion years for this." This is an example of....
In the equation y = mx + b what does b represent?
b is the y-intercept of the line.
What is a number’s distance from zero called?
Absolute Value
What is the square root of 784?
In what year was Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerberg with fellow Harvard College students and roommates? (You must be +/- 2 years)
What Chinese short-form video hosting service was launched in 2017?
If it is 1 PM in New York City what time is it in Djibouti? (You must be +/- 1 hour)
It would be 8 PM.
Name the process by which the climate breaks down rocks but leaves them in roughly the same place.
What is the capital of New York?
What is the name of the island country off the Eastern coast of Africa?
Define: Cartography
The study and practice of making maps
To calm yourself when very upset, you many need to pull......
yourself together.
If you shouldn't depend on something before it happens, you shouldn't count your chickens.........
before they hatch.
Which sea separates Europe and Africa?
The Mediterranean Sea
Which fish is known for not having any brain or heart?
Which is the most abundant gas in our atmosphere?
Nitrogen, which makes over 78% of earth’s atmosphere.
What is the only number that has the same number of letters as it’s meaning?
Is Pi a rational or irrational number?
Irrational, it cannot be written as a fraction
Name one of the colleges featured in Netflix Docuseries "Cheer."
Navarro; Trinity Valley Community College
Name 2 out of 3 of Bob Belcher's children.
Gene, Tina, and Louise
“As if!” Is a statement that appears on what famous movie from the 1990s?
What was the name of Zac Efron’s first musical movie?
"High School Musical"
Zac Brown Band plays what genre of music?
Country music
Who is the oldest Kardashian sister?
Which artist made history in 2020 as the youngest winner of the Grammys four main categories?
Billie Eilish
What fictional town does Spongebob Squarepants live in?
Bikini Bottom
According to the Family Madrigals, who do we not talk about?
What is the difference between a manicure and a pedicure?
Manicure = Fingernails; Pedicure = Toenails
What is the average price of a base model Range Rover? (You answer must be within $10,000 + or -)
Porsche automobiles originated in what country?
Name 2 out of the 3 actors who have most recently played Spiderman.
Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Tobey Maguire
What is the title of the number one Netflix show of 2022? (Hint: It revolves around a family and set in the competitive world of Regency era London.)
What animal is nature's majestic creature?
Black Cat
In professional baseball, what song is played during the 7th inning stretch?
"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"
What team won the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament this year?
Kansas Jayhawks
Who are the current 2022 College National Champions in Football?
Georgia Bulldogs
What team won the Super Bowl on February 13, 2022?
Los Angeles Rams