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Will vs Going To + Infinitive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ______ (to have) the beef.
is going to have
Why are you wearing your best suit? I ______ (to have) lunch with my friend.
am going to have
What are your plans for the holidays?I ______ (to visit) my parents.
am going to visit
What are your plans for next week? I ______ (to fly) to New York on business.
am going to fly
I've already decided. I ______ (to buy) a new car.
am going to buy
Do you want me to help you?No thanks. John ______ (to help) me.
is going to help
Where are you going? I don't know, but I ______ (not/ visit) my sister.
am not going to visit
I feel really tired. I ______ (to go) to bed.
will go
It’s 5 o'clock already. We ______ (to miss) the bus.
are going to miss
They said they ______ (not/spend) their holidays by the sea again.
are not going to spend
Look! They _______ (to wash) the car.
are going to wash
Look at the sky! It ______ (to rain).
is going to rain
Watch out! You ______ (to hurt) yourself.
are going to hurt
Would you like tea or coffee? I _____ (not/ drink) anything.
I'm not going to drink
He is always late. And he _______ (to be) late tomorrow, too.
is going to be