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Book 2 (2nd half)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you like to be an artist?
free answer
Would you like to travel around the world?
free answer
Are you going to play a game tonight?
No, I'm not going to play a game tonight.
Are you going to work on Saturday?
No, I'm not going to work on Saturday.
Have you worked a lot this week?
Yes, I have worked a lot this week.
Have you eaten in a restaurant this week?
No, I haven't eaten in a restaurant this week.
Have you ever found money in the street?
No, I have never found money in the street.
Have you ever won a prize?
Yes, I have won a prize.
Have you ever been abroad?
Yes, I have been abroad.
Have you had lunch today?
Yes, I have had lunch today.
What type of books do you like?
free answer
What type of TV programmes do you like?
free answer
Will you watch a film if you have time today?
Yes, I will watch a film if I have time today.
Will you go for a walk if it's sunny tomorrow?
Yes, I will go for a walk if it's sunny tomorrow.
What should you do when you have a cold?
You should take an aspirin,
What should you do when you get hungry?
You should eat something.
What are the verb forms of 'go'?'
go, went, gone
What are the verb forms of 'speak'?
speak, spoke, spoken