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2020 Meet and Greet

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who drew this?
Mr. Santiago
Who created this by cutting paper?
Ms. Blair
Who is in this picture?
Ms. Blair
Who loves to camp in this vehicle?
Ms. Blair
Who has watched Moana over 20 times and can sing along with most songs featured in the movie?
Ms. Blair
Who lived in a car for a winter in Hawaii so they could surf every day?
Ms. Blair
Who makes a delicious walnut cake?
Ms. Blair
Who loves collecting toys?
Mr. Santiago
Who's favorite sport is football?
Mr. Santiago
Who went to Boston Arts Academy?
Mr. Santiago
Who will probably do another Greatest showman sing along next year?
Ms. Abdul-hadi
Whose mom has large sculptures around Boston?
Ms. Abdul-Hadi
Who has had snakes, lizards, cats, birds, guinea pigs, and bearded dragons for pets?
Ms. Abdul-hadi
Who has a lasting love for showtunes?
Ms. Abdul-hadi
Who was a gym teacher, art teacher, religion teacher, and director before?
Ms. Abdul-Hadi
Who was in musicals growing up and played the Wiz?
Ms. Abdul-hadi
Who's grandbaby is this?
Ms. Abdul-hadi
Who went to the same college as Mr. Santiago?
Ms. Blair
Who has driven a stick shift all her life and recently had to learn how to drive an automatic transmission?
Ms. Zesk
Whose family owns a seafood restaurant named Quito's?
Ms. Zesk
Who is from Rhode Island and currently lives there?
Ms. Zesk
Who suddenly stopped eating all forms of eggs at age 3 and still to this day will not take a bite of one?
Ms. Zesk
Who was the captain of her high school soccer team and played a year of division 1 soccer at Northeastern University?
Ms. Zesk
Who was paid by the mayor of NYC to skateboard at a party?
Ms. Blair
Who is the mastermind behind the incredible brand YoSoy?
Mr. Santiago