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How Does This Make You Feel?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you see these apartments, what's your first feeling?
Where do you think this photo was taken?
Seeing these cars driving in a circle, how does it make you feel?
Have you ever been in a vehicle that has gone in circles before?
Is this good advertising?
Do you think you could find where you needed to go?
How do delivery drivers find the right house?
Would you like to live in a neighborhood like this?
Even though you are sitting up straight, would you still feel tilted?
Would you want this couch in your home?
Do you think people get dogs that look like them?
Have you ever met someone who has a dog that looks like them?
First impression of these stairs
Do you think they are easy to walk down?
When you see this road, how do you feel?
Could you drive on it?
How would you feel working here everyday?
What could you do to make it better?
What kind of food would you put in here?
Do you have a food that you always eat when you feel sad?
Who do you think buys this bread more, males or females?
Would you buy these rolls just because of the clever advertising?
When you see this, what is the first thing you think of?
Can you think of other foods that make you think of something right away? Ex: popcorn = movies
Could you work if your space looked like this?
Does this picture make you feel stressed?
Does this picture make you hungry?
Have you found a cloud before that looked like something?