
Linking Words

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  • What class will you have before lunch tomorrow?
    I will have _____ before lunch tomorrow.
  • I enjoy..... in addition to .......
  • Use 'and' in a sentence
  • likes She swimming, doesn't she running like.
    She likes swimming, but she doesn't like running.
  • I want to go to many places. For instance...... (finish sentence and give 3 examples)
    I want to go to many places. For instance......
  • come I party can to the, be late I will however.
    I can come to the party, however I will be late.
  • Why was she late today? (use since)
    She was late since....../ Since........, she was late.
  • another I have will sandwich.
    I will have another sandwich.
  • She after ate school dinner.
    She ate dinner after school.
  • Some things I don't like. For example...... (finish sentence and give 3 examples)
    Some things I don't like. For example......
  • Why are you so happy? (use because in your answer)
    I am happy because.....
  • has a dog He, also cat has he.
    He has a dog, also he has a cat.
  • doing What they are later?
    What are they doing later?
  • will I until play basketball o'clock 4.
    I will play basketball until 4 o'clock.
  • use spoon I a of a fork instead.
    I use a spoon instead of a fork.