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Seasonal Activities

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you like to do in winter?
I like to go snowboarding.
What do you like to do in spring?
I like to walk the dog.
What do you like to do in fall?
I like to take pictures.
What do you like to do in summer?
I like to watch fireworks.
Unscramble the word: ujpm oepr
jump rope
Unscramble the word: busca vgindi
scuba diving
Unscramble the word: bosraowdnign
Unscramble the word: kingsi
Unscramble the word: rfcsa
Unscramble the word: sowmne
Make a question. "My favorite season is spring".
What's your favorite season?
What do you do in winter?
I have a snowball fight.
What do you do in winter?
I drink hot chocolate.
What do you do in winter?
I build a snowman.
What do you do in summer?
I swim in the pool.
What do you do in fall?
I play with leaves.
What do you do in fall?
I pick apples.
What do you do in summer?
I make sandcastles.
What do you do in summer?
I go to the beach.
What do you do in spring?
I fly a kite.
What do you do in spring?
I go on a picnic.
What do you do in spring?
I plant flowers.