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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ________ a 10 km run at the weekend, to raise money for the local hospital
took part in
No one in the team plays better than Gemma. PLAYER. Gemma _______ in the team.
is the best player
None of the other sofas in the shop are as comfortable as this one. BY FAR. This sofa is ________ the others in the shop.
by far more comfortable than
Tatiana doesn't speak nearly as clearly as Irina. MUCH. Irina speaks _________ Tatiana.
much clearer than
She looks more relaxed than she did before the exam. STRESSED. She doesn't look _________ she did before the exam.
as stressed as
Small towns are safer than large cities. NOT Small town ______ as large cities.
are not as dangerous
This motorbike is not as noisy as my previous one. MADE. My previous motorbike _______ this one
made less noise than
We were ________ by the way the other team shouted at us. ASTONISH
You can't expect children to work hard if they don't feel ______. MOTIVATE
Jake felt _______ that he wasn't picked to play in the match. DISAPPOINT
It's a ________ problem. i don't really know what to do. PUZZLE
They found the journey so _________ that they fell asleep as soon as they arrived. EXHAUST
What an ________ band! I never expected they'd be that good. AMAZE
Phrasal verbs. Mario's thinking of _________ jogging, as he doesn't feel he's getting enough exercise.
Taking up
Phrasal verbs. I thought learning Italian would be difficult, but when I moved to Bologna I soon _______ it ____.
picked up
A phrase. I don't like ______, so I'd never get a motorbike.
taking risks
A phrase If you can't ________, no one will ever trust you.
keep a promise
Kate ______ (lose) weight recently because she ______ (get) more exercise.
has lost, has been getting
Of course I'm annoyed. I _______ (spend) ages preparing for this party and no one ______(turn up) yet.
have spent, has turned up
At last you ________ (arrive) - we _________ (expect) you for ages.
have arrived, have been expecting
I'm celebrating because my team __________ (win) the league.
has won
My mum's ________ and English course in the evening, and I sometimes help her with her homework
Sarah wasn't enjoying the party, so she _________ an excuce and left
Marco has _________ a big effort with his students, so he's really proud of their results.
Do you mind if I use your phone? I've got to _________ an urgent phone call.
Could you ______ ma a favour and let me copy your notes?
I must appologise to my sister. We _________ over something really small and had a massive argument.
fell out
I don't feel like doing much this weekend. I think I'll just ______ around the house.
chill out
Phrasal verbs. I can see the family resemblance. You've got your father's eyes - you really ________ him.
take after
Phrasal Verbs. It's Toby's birthday next week. We need to ___________ some ideas for a present.
come up with
Helen is very young, but she behaves in a __________ and responsible way.
I wouldn't have critisised you if I'd known how ________ you were!
Hugo is very ........... - he often helps his grandparents with the shopping.
My parents allow my brother to come home any time he likes because they know he is very ......