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U2 Complete First unit 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kate has slightly more experience than the others. (quite) The others don't have ____________Kate.
quite as much experience as
Lucy is as tall as her mother. (height) Lucy ______________her mother.
is the same height as
There are fewer teachers in my school than there were last year. (not) There ________________teachers in my school as there were last year. _
are not as many
I've never had such a boring holiday. (enjoyable) This is ___________________I've ever had.
the least enjoyable holiday
the film wasn¡t nearly as good as I thought it would be. (far) The film _______________________I thought it would be.
was far worse than
I've never known anyone as clever as Hilary. ( the) Hilary is ____________________ever known.
the cleverest person I have
there are more boys than girls in our class. (as) There are __________________as boys in our class.
not as many girls
Jamie's mobile is very similar to mine. (lot) There is not ___________________Jamie's mobile phone and mine
a lot of difference between
My house is as big as yours. ( same) My house________________ yours.
is the same size as
this exercise is much easier than the last one. (nearly) This exercise is_______________the last one.
not nearly as difficult as
Pedro didn't use to be so thin. (than) Pedro is _____________be.
thinner than he used to
My brother isn't as tall as me.(slightly) My brother is __________________me
slightly shorter than