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Modals of deduction

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete: That ________ be the vegetarian option. It's got chicken in it.
Sing a part of a song in English... you have thirty seconds!!!
Complete: Juan has flu. We don't know yet but he ______ need to take the whole week off.
Complete: The house isn't hard to find. It's the green one at the end. You ______ miss it!
Make a deduction based on this situation using MIGHT: Look! Sebastián and Nicolás are fighting!
They might be mad because of a girl.
Put on my desk three shoes... you have 10 seconds!!!
Is this sentence correct? Jessica could be travelling to Melgar right now.
Yes, it is
If you hesitate about a situation, you use the modal verb _______________
Find something salty... You have 10 seconds!!!
Make a deduction based on this situation using MUST: María Fernanda is crying.
María Fernanda must be sad because of her boyfriend
If you are completely sure about something, you use the modal verb ____________
Find something made of glass... you have 10 seconds!!!
Correct the mistake: Solmar may to not have money at this moment
Solmar may not have money at this moment
If you believe something is not possible, you use the modal verb _________
Find a spoon... you have 10 seconds!!!!
What form of verb do we use after modal verbs? A=Gerund B=Infinitive C=Base form
C=Base form
Modals of deduction are used to express: A=Obligation B=Certainty C=Recommendation