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E8_1 Review Test Unit 3 & 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is Patty teacher's first name?
I will play soccer althow it raining outside. (2 mistakes)
althow > although , add is
(While/Although) you have dinner with your family members, you can talk with your family a lot.
You cannot go home (unless/if) you finish doing your homework.
(Though/Since) it is raining outside, we are going to go on a picnic.
I like watching TV (after/because) it is very interesting.
Rearrange: I love him since he tries to spend time with me.
Since he tries to spend time with me, I love my father.
Rearrange: You can watch TV while you have dinner.
While you have dinner, you can watch TV.
Rearrange: My younger brother came home when I arrived at home.
When I arrived at home, my younger brother came home.
(would rather A than B) I - write a book - read a book
I would rather write a book than read a book.
(would rather A than B) I - watch a movie - go to a concert
I would rather watch a movie than go to a concert.
(would rather A than B) I - study English - study math
I would rather study English than study math.
To solve this problem I decided to talking with my teacher. (2 mistakes)
Add , & talking > talk
(Add 'should') Jenny had no idea what to do for a living.
Jenny had no idea what she should do for a living.
(Add 'should') Mr. Smith doesn't know how to fix the door.
Mr. Smith doesn't know how he should fix the door.
(Add 'should') Sam and Jean were not sure what to wear for the upcoming party.
Sam and Jean were not sure what they should wear for the upcoming party.
(Add 'should') She doesn't decide what to eat.
She doesn't decide what she should eat.
(Add 'should') I did not remember what to buy for dinner.
I did not remember what I should buy for dinner.
(Add 'made me') the heavy shower - blue
The heavy shower made me blue.
(Add 'made me') a lot of homework - upset
A lot of homework made me upset.
(Add 'made me') a failing grade - sad
A failing grade made me sad.