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U1 Compact First for Schools - Unit 1 Wordlist

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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weird ( adj )
very strange
tradition ( n )
a custom or way of behaving that has continued for a long time in a group of people
thrilling ( adj )
very exciting
stage ( n )
a period of development
spot ( n )
a place
significant ( adj )
rely ( v )
to need someone or something in order to be successful
relieved ( adj )
feeling happy because something bad did not happen
make a comparison ( exp )
to compare two or more things
jealous ( adj )
not happy because you want something that someone else has
irritated ( adj )
informal ( adj )
suitable for when you are with family or friends but not for official occasions
impatient ( adj )
if you are impatient, you get angry with people who make mistakes or you hate waiting for things
get away with ( ph v )
to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
formal ( adj )
not casual , official
expect ( someone to do something) ( v )
to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing
energetic ( adj )
having or needing a lot of energy
eager ( adj )
wanting to do or have something very much
doubtful ( adj )
if you are doubtful you are uncertain about something
depend on ( v )
to need the help and support of someone or something
demand ( v )
a strong request or need for something
daylight ( n )
the natural light from the sun during the day
community ( n )
the people living in a particular area
celebrate ( v )
to have a party or a nice meal because it is a special day or something good has happened
bold ( adj )
believe in ( v )
to be confident that something is effective and right
be put off ( ph v )
to have your attention taken away from something you are doing
at once ( exp )
at least ( exp )
as much as, or more than, a number or amount
at last ( exp )
at all ( exp )
in any way or of any type ( used to make negatives or questions stronger )
arrogant ( adj )
believing that you are better than other people
approval ( n )
when you think that someone or something is good or right
approach ( n )
a way of doing something