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Complete first unit 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the comparative and superlative for: healthy
healthier - the healthiest
Name 2 words we can use to express a small difference e.g. a bit
a bit- slightly -a little
name 3 words or phrases we can use to express a large difference e.g. much
much-a lot-considerably-by far
Tim is as tall than Peter
as tall as
Correct: This restaurant isn't nearly as nicer as the place we
Correct: The climate in Spain is considerably harsh than other parts of Europe
What is the comparative and superlative for: far
further, the furthest
What is the comparative and superlative for: good
better, the best
What is the comparative and superlative for: bad
worse than- the worst
Correct: This curry is much more hotter than any I've tried
much hotter
correct: This is by far the best country of the world
in the world
Correct: He's the more hard-working student in the class
This sandwich is by ___ the best I've ever eaten
Today is _____________(bad) day I've had this year
the worst
People won't trust you unless you can ___________________
keep a promise
I didn't like my new haircut at first but I'm starting to ______________ to it
get used
I need to do more exercise so I'm thinking about _______________ running
taking up
My piano teacher said I'm ______________ very quickly!
picking it up
I really want to ______________ the school play this year, I love acting!
take part in
I've never tried kayaking before but I'll ______________ if it's just for fun
have a go
You don't need to bring anything to the party, just ____________ on time
turn up
I wouldn't like to try parachute jumping because I hate ______________
taking risks