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Complete B2 First for Schools - Unit 1 review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Present perfect simple or continuous: There are a few countries Gavin still (not tell) us about, but I get the impression he (see) almost everything!
hasn't told / has seen
Present perfect simple or continuous: Paolo (look) very tired recently. I think it’s because he (study) too hard.
has been looking / has been studying
Present perfect simple or continuous: Tatiana is so greedy! She (eat) all the cakes and she (not leave) any for us.
has eaten / hasn't left
Present perfect simple or continuous: I wonder if Irina (finish) reading that book yet. I (wait) to read it for ages.
has finished / have been waiting
Present perfect simple or continuous: Kate (lose) weight recently because she (get) more exercise.
has lost OR has been losing / has been getting
Present perfect simple or continuous: We (have) a really interesting time. Gavin (tell) us about his trip round the world.
have been having OR have had / has been telling OR has told
Present perfect simple or continuous: Of course I’m annoyed. I (spend) ages preparing for this party and no one (turn up) yet.
have spent / has turned up
Present perfect simple or continuous: At last you (arrive) – we (expect) you for ages.
have arrived / have been expecting
Present perfect simple or continuous: I’m celebrating because my team (win) the league!
has won
My mum’s (do / make) an English course in the evenings, and I sometimes help her with her homework.
We phoned the police because our neighbours were (do / make) too much noise.
Sarah wasn’t enjoying the party, so she (do / make) an excuse and left.
Marco has (do / make) a big effort with his students, so I’m afraid he’s a bit disappointed with their results.
I’ve got so much homework to (do / make) that I can’t come out with you tonight.
I’ll (do / make) the shopping on my way home this evening.
Do you mind if I use your phone? I’ve got to (do / make) an urgent phone call.
Could you (do / make) me a favour and let me copy your notes from the last class?
I must apologise to my sister. We f____ o____ over something really small and had a massive argument. I hope she’ll forgive me.
fell out
We’ll need to t____ o____ the new internet streaming service – I’ve heard it’s much better than the others but I want to see it for myself before I pay for it.
try out
I don’t feel like doing much this weekend. I think that I’ll just c____ o____ around the house.
chill out
A: Why are you standing by the window? B: I’m l____ o____ f____ the delivery person. I’m expecting an important package today.
looking out for
I can see the family resemblance. You’ve got your father’s eyes – you really t____ a____ him, don’t you?
take after
It’s Toby’s birthday next week. We need to c____ u____ w____ some ideas for a present.
come up with
Luis is a very e________ person, who is always trying new sports and activities.
Helen is very young, but she behaves in a m________ and responsible way.
I wouldn’t have criticised you if I had known how s________ you were!
Melanie is very s____-c________ and not afraid of meeting new people.
David is so u________ that you can never trust him to do what he says he’s going to do.
Pascale is very h____-w________, so she’s bound to finish her part of the project on time.
My parents allow my brother to come home any time he likes because they know he is very r________.
Hugo is very t________ – he often helps his grandparents with the shopping.