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Complete Advanced - Personality Adjectives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Claudia never puts things ____ until the last minute.
Claudia hates being under __________ and tends to overprepare.
I think Paula will go far. She's so ______ - nothing will stop her from doing what she wants.
I know I can always rely on Maddalen. She's really _ _ _ _ _ _ and sensible.
Blanca is totally _____-_________. She never asks anyone for help.
Carme is so ___________. She never forgets to do the homework, and she usually gets all the answers right!
My new secretary is really _____________. She does all her work carefully and pays attention to detail.
Zach is such a __________ person. He's honest and open and says just what he thinks.
He's very __________. Whatever part of a job he's doing, he does it with great attention to detail.
Joel is quite ____________. He can usually work out how to solve a problem.
Becca is so _________! She worked all weekend to make sure that she finished all of her English homework.
Choose the odd word out. protective open-minded outgoing conscientious
protective, because the other adjectives are usually positive and protective could be either
Choose the odd word out. idealistic protective unconventional modest
modest, because modest is usually positive whereas the other three could be either positive or negative
Choose the odd word out. insecure self-centred unconventional naïve
unconventional, because unconventional could be either positive or negative whereas the others are only negative adjectives
Choose the odd word out. competent insensitive imaginative conscientious
insensitive, because the other adjectives are usually positive
Joanna has always been extremely ________ of her little brother because he is several years younger than her.
Anna is a very _________ person; you can always trust that she means what she says.
My brother is extremely ________ and simply loves meeting new people.
Many of us are _____ when we're young and think we can change the way the world works.
Peter is so ____ to those around him that he doesn't even notice when he upsets someone.
My Spanish isn't brilliant but I'm ___________ enough to write an email or book a hotel.
Jamie is very _______________ about making sure he does a job properly and to the best of his ability.
You should tell everyone about the prize you won - you're much too ____________.