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The fun animal quiz for kids!

  •  English    19     Public
    How much do you know about the animal kingdom? Take the quiz and read the slides to learn fun facts about each animal!
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  • Why do tigers have stripes?
    It's easier to hide (camouflage)
    The elephant look was already taken
    It runs faster with stripes
    The stripes make the tiger look more dangerous
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  • The tiger is the biggest member of the cat family.
    Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters in length.
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  • Gorillas are known to hit their chests and roar loudly. Why do they do that?
    To cure an itch
    To scare away enemies and defend their family
    To clear its throat
    To attract a partner
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  • Gorillas have hands and feet like humans.
    Gorillas live for around 35 years in the wild and up to 50 years in zoos. They are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools in the wild. 
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  • Leopards are great swimmers!
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  • How many humans are killed by hippos each year?
    Over 300
    Between 200 and 300
    Under 100
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  • How many liters of water does an elephant drink each day?
    100 liters
    300 liters
    200 liters
    400 liters
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  • How tall can a giraffe get?
    3.6 meters
    5.8 meters
    6.4 meters
    4.8 meters
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  • Giraffes are the tallest mammals on Earth.
    A giraffe's neck is too short to reach the ground. Therefore, it has to spread its front legs or kneel to reach the ground and drink water.
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  • Which animal is the rhino's best friend?
    A bird called the oxpecker
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  • Rhinos are often hunted by humans for their horns.
    The name rhinoceros means ‘nose horn’ and is often shortened to rhino. Three of the five rhinoceros species are listed as being critically endangered.
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  • Why is the oxpecker such a good friend of the rhino?
    It keeps the rhino company
    Because it can peck an ox
    The bird poop has a lubricating effect on the skin
    It eats insects from the skin and warns of danger
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  • Why does the zebra have stripes?
    It's easier to hide (camouflage)
    We actually don't quite know
    The zebra runs faster because of the stripes
    The stripes are for appearance only
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  • Do kangaroos know how to walk?
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  • Is the koala bear part of the bear family?
    Just the brown bear family
    Just the black bear familiy
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  • Why are flamingos pink?
    Because of the small shrimps they eat
    It's the color of the bird
    Because it would look weird if they were white
    Because of the sun
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