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Social Skills

  •  English    40     Public
    Social skills to use during speech therapy sessions with secondary
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  • When I talk to others I should...
    think about my plans for tonight
    not make eye contact because it's rude
    think about the message my entire body is sending
    only use nonverbal communication
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  • You are at an aunt's house for lunch and you don't like what she served. What can you do?
    Ask if you can have just a little
    gobble it all up
    refuse to eat
    Tell her you need to go home
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  • Someone in your class got a new hair cut and he/she asks you if you like it. What can you say?
    It looks terrible
    Ignore the question
    Why would you do it?
    It makes you look different
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  • You started doing your work but aren't sure you are doing it right. What can you do?
    copy from your friend
    ask the teacher
    ask your friend
    keep doing whatever you know
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  • There is a new student in your class . What can you do?
    say hi, introduce yourself and ask if they need help
    be mean
    make fun
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  • Conversations are not just about words
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  • Sometimes it's ok to act interested in what someone is saying even if you aren't interested just to be polite
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  • How can you show someone you are interested in what they are saying?
    Be engaged in the conversation
    Look away when they are talking
    Stare at them
    Keep looking at your watch
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  • Which of the following attracts people into conversations?
    Asking related questions
    Making jokes
    Staring at your phone
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  • What are social cues?
    Signals people send through body language and words
    Parties, sports games, going to dinner, etc.
    Conversational skills
    Waving hello and goodbye
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  • Should you always be honest even if it means you may get in trouble?
    Absolutely not
    Are you serious?
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  • How should you respond to a friend when you are angry?
    Be as calm as possible
    Yell at him
    Ignore them
    Answer with sarcasm
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  • What should you do when your friend is having a bad day?
    Ask "what's wrong" or try to cheer them up
    Tell them it could be worse
    Badger them with questions after they tell you they don't want to talk
    Ignore them until they feel better
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  • If someone says hi to you in the hallway, what could you do?
    Ignore them, you are trying to get to class
    Smile and say hi back
    Look at them and keep walking
    Ask, "who are you"?
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  • If you get angry/frustrated with a friend you could...
    Talk about them to other people
    Do something to make them angry/frustrated with you
    Try to talk to them about it
    Act like nothing is wrong
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  • A group member is talking about something you don't know much about. You should...
    Roll your eyes so they know you aren't interested
    Tell them you are not interested in that topic
    Ask questions to find out more
    Change the subject
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