Game Preview


  •  English    47     Public
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  • 1. Ele não foi viajar com o seu pai para Alemanha
    He hasn´t traveled/ didn´t travel with his father to Germany.
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  • 2. Eu nunca vi algo assim tão estranho.
    I have never seen anything so weird.
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  • 3. A Ana viu o ladrão fugir.(acabou de...)
    Ana has seen the thief run away.
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  • 4. Teve uma briga na frente da minha casa. (acabou de...)
    There has been a fight in front of my house.
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  • 5. Você viu o que houve na festa
    Did you see what happened at the party?
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  • 6. Eles não saíram de casa no final de semana.
    They didn´t leave the house on the weekend.
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  • 7. O menino está esperando a sua mãe chegar a horas.
    The boy has been waiting for his mother to arrive for hours.
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  • 8. Eu não vi o final do filme ontem
    I didn´t see the end of the movie yesterday.
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  • 9. Eles nem me falaram que tinha muitos ratos no telhado.
    They didn´t even tell me that there were many rats on the roof.
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  • 10. A sua Irma acabou de entrar. Você falou para ela sobre a surpresa?
    Your sister has entered/ got in. Did you tell her about the surprise?
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  • 11. Eu não tive coragem de pular de pára-quedas.
    I haven´t had / I DIDN´T HAVE the courage to skydive. / I wasn´t brave enough to skydive
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  • 12. A minha tia não viaja há anos.
    My aunt hasn´t been traveling for years.
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  • 13. Eu nunca tinha visto tamanha explosão.
    I have never seen such an explosion.
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  • 14. Eu não acabei de ler o livro que você me emprestou.
    I haven´t finished reading the book that you lent me.
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  • 15. Por que você não comeu o bolo? Estava uma delicia!
    Why didn´t you eat the cake? It was delicious!
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  • 16. Eles saíram e não me chamaram para ir com eles.
    They went out and didn´t call/invite me to go with them.
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