Game Preview

Places in Town

  •  English    40     Public
    Students have to say the place in town according to the clues
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • I want to take the bus. I go to the ...
    Bus stop
  •  15
  • I want to buy a present. I go to the ...
    Shopping centre / mall
  •  15
  • An establishment or area with coin-operated games
  •  20
  • A place where you keep and manage your money
  •  10
  • A large and important church in a city.
  •  10
  • A big shop that sells many different types of items, like 'El Corte Inglés'.
    Department store
  •  20
  • Place where people are locked in order to play a game. They must solve how to get out.
    Escape room
  •  15
  • A place where firefighters work.
    Fire station
  •  10
  • A store where you buy food and household items. Not a supermarket
    Grocery shop
  •  25
  • A building where people go to get medical help. Bigger than a health centre.
  •  15
  • A store that sells items like rings and necklaces.
    Jewellery shop
  •  25
  • A school for very young children before primary school. Synonym of nursery school.
  •  25
  • A place where you can borrow books.
  •  25
  • A shop where you can buy newspapers and magazines.
  •  25
  • A building where local government offices are located.
    Town Hall
  •  25
  • A higher education institution where students study for degrees.
  •  25