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Health 5

  •  English    17     Public
  •   Study   Slideshow
  • What system of the body is responsible for providing nutrients needed by our body? a. skeletal system b. digestive system c. excretory system d. muscular system
    digestive system
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  • What will happen if this organ will not function properly? a. Nutrients will not be absorbed by our body. b. Water will not be absorbed. c. We will just be fine d. Nothing, because this organ has nothing to do in digestion.
    Nutrients will not be absorbed by our body.
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  • 2. What does the excretory system do? a. removes harmful waste materials from the body b. absorbs vitamins c. pump blood d. removes blood
    removes harmful waste materials from the body
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  • Which organ excretes sweat? a. kidney b. skin c. heart d. lungs
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  • 3. Where are the acidic juices released in the digestive system? a. esophagus b. stomach c. mouth d. small intestine
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  • What organ releases pancreatic juices to help digest the food? a. Liver b. Pancreas c. Stomach d. Esophagus
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  • How does this exercise help us? a. It makes our digestive system healthy. b. It makes our lungs work properly. c. It makes our kidney work properly. d. It makes our excretory system healthy.
    It makes our lungs work properly.
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  • Why do we sweat when we feel hot? a. Sweat helps us smell good. b. Sweat helps us cool down our body. c. Our skin cries when it’s hot. d. Because we have too much water in our stomach.
    b. Sweat helps us cool down our body.
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  • Which of the following keeps the skin healthy? a. meat b. fruits and vegetables c. cheese d. chocolates
    fruits and vitamin
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  • How much water should we drink every day? a. 2 glasses b. 4 glasses c. 6 glasses d. 8 glasses
    8 glasses
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  • Which of the following damages the lungs? a. smoke b. chemicals c. alcohol d. all of the above
    all of the above
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  • . Which of the following is a problem in the excretory system? a. UTI b. stomachache c. headache d. constipation
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  • Kidneys excrete __________. a. sweat b. tears c. urine d. carbon dioxide
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  • On average, at what age does puberty begin? a. 11-13 b. 2-4 c. 10 d. 17-18
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  • Which of the following do girls NOT experience? a. menstruation period b. enlargement of breasts c. deeper voice d. growth of pubic hair
    deeper voice
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  • Which of the following do boys experience? a. enlargement of breasts b. menstruation period c. wet dreams d. body becomes curvier
    wet dreams
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